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How Much Compensation Can You Get from a Motorcycle Accident Claim

Motorcycle Accident Claim

Motorcycle accidents are common and can result in serious consequences. If you have sustained injuries in a motorcycle accident, you may be having difficulty getting by with your bills piling up as you try to recover from your injuries. Plus, you may not know what to do next and whether or not you can be compensated for this ordeal. If you are in this situation, you need a motorcycle accident lawyer to help you handle the legal aspect of your possible accident claim. Your attorney will help you collect evidence to prove your injury and damages as well as determine the compensation you are entitled to. 

How Much are Your Losses Worth?

Recovering from a motorcycle accident can be difficult both physically and financially. Apart from physical injury, you may sustain property damage and emotional distress. It’s not a surprise for you to be harmed given your level of exposure while on your ride. Your physical injuries can take a serious toll on you and the people you love. 

When determining your losses in the accident, you must consider some factors including your medical costs, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering. Your attorney will collect evidence from medical bills, medical records, witness statements, income loss, and police reports to prove the value of your case. After they determine an accurate value of your claim, the attorney will pursue a claim settlement from the insurance provider of the party responsible for your accident. 

Kinds of Damages You Can be Awarded

Damages refer to the monetary award you can be granted in a car accident claim settlement. They include compensation for your injuries and other losses due to the motorcycle accident. Your attorney will take into account every area you sustained a loss in. Then, they will decide on the amount you can get through your claim. Some damages you may be able to recover include medical bills, disfigurement, lost income, emotional distress, mental anguish, and property damage. Your attorney will help you determine the damages you may qualify for and the amount you can recover from the insurance company. 

If you have sustained pain and distress because of a motorcycle accident, avoid taking on the insurer yourself. Instead, you must discuss your case with a reliable attorney who can guide your steps while you seek the compensation the law entitles you to. The best attorney offers free case reviews and won’t take money until they have won your case.